Plan A
Plan B
Plan C
Plan D
Plan E
Plan F
Students MIS is the software developed by Itec, it is used in Schools and universities
Xode is the the software developed by Itec Ltd to helps the management of large buildings
ITEC Tab is the software developed by Itec Ltd with the aims in helping the management of the Petrol stations
Itec cone is the software developed by Itec Ltd with aim of helping the management of car parking
ITEC Qoqa is the software developed by Itec that helps to collect security and hygiene fees in the city of kigali Read More
ITEC Core is the software developed by Itec ltd thats help the management of many people . It is mostly used in the churches to manage the activities Read More
ITEC T-serve is the software product developed by Itec Ltd that helps the management of car wash